An agenda outlines the business for a meeting, including the decisions a meeting will take, in order for the public to understand what is happening and whether they wish to contribute. After the meeting, draft minutes are produced and agreed at the next meeting.
Sep 2023
Apr 2023
Mar 2023
Feb 2023
Jan 2023
For agendas from earlier years, please contact the Parish Clerk.
An agenda outlines the business for a meeting, including the decisions a meeting will take, in order for the public to understand what is happening and whether they wish to contribute. After the meeting, draft minutes are produced and agreed at the next meeting.
Sep 2023
Apr 2023
Mar 2023
Feb 2023
Jan 2023
For agendas from earlier years, please contact the Parish Clerk.
An agenda outlines the business for a meeting, including the decisions a meeting will take, in order for the public to understand what is happening and whether they wish to contribute. After the meeting, draft minutes are produced and agreed at the next meeting.